Sunday, 26 February 2012

Tere päevast peeps

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Riigiametnik, and you may remember me from such blogs as 'Oneurope 2011 - the carnage that was Düsseldorf', and 'Melvin the Happy Pixie'. OK, so I fibbed about the last one.

Anyways, I have been subtly persuaded by the good people of this website to do more undercover work for you, the discerning reader, in the Baku beyond: a city that is some 346 hours ahead of the rest of Europe. Some of you may think you know who I am. But you may be mistaken. But if you DO know who I am, then keep it a secret. After all, the BBC can do it when deciding who'll sing in Baku for the United Kingdom of Stuff.

So if you have any burning questions you want me to ask those fine performers in Baku, drop the website a line and we'll see what we can do.

I might even deign to drop a further post or two in the run up to Europe's favourite musical event.

Keep smiling! ;-)

R x

Saturday, 25 February 2012


well... not so much, but its certainly the best of this decade!

Having just calmed down over the introduction of Beautiful Song, the Austrians then go and do something wonderful and promote Trackshittaz from 2nd last year to the Wieners this year (see what I did there?!)
OMG it's genius!

Not content with That piece of genius, someone has taught Jedward how to sing!! - and they have produced a half decent fist of a schlager song!!

Part of me wishes I was going to Baku-On-Sea, because the First Semi Final is shaping up to be a thing of beauty (in the sense that it could well be a massacre!!) - Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Montenegro, Greece, Ireland for starters - Dear me god there are going to be some casualties amongst that lot!!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Now - usually my faves dont qualify, however.....

However, Latvia have picked this year's ONEUROPE entry for the ESC.  Really? - OH YES - Listen to the lyric and tell me you don't love it!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Sunday, 5 February 2012

back at Chez Oneurope

We got home at a reasonable hour and still liked the Maltese show and the song, we were sat next to Kurts Mother who was beside herself when the scores came in - he came over and hugged her and did all sorts of singing and getting very excited and actually was nearly crying.

It clearly means so much to him - and good luck too him I say.  We fans are so quick to criticise other songs as shite, that when you see the joy of someone that has won the ticket it is hard to look him in the eye and say "yeah well your songs shit" - He has just had the biggest moment of his life - let him enjoy it!!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

3rd quarter

12 songs down. Only Richard thingy got me going in that quarter.
8 songs down. Fab is better than his sister. Mystifying eyes was ace.

The first four

Were very good indeed. Petals on a rose to the winning so far. Though two big faves to come

We are in Malta

That is all!!!

Welcome to Malta

As you may or may not be aware - OnEurope has decamped to Malta for the Malta Eurovision 2012 and what an experience it has been.  Weather and food have been above optimal, music has been - well - suboptimal I guess - with the shock that there will be no Elenor Cassar or Whoop it up tonight, it was mutted that we wouldnt be going at all.  However, the taxi has been booked, the tickets have been paid for, so there isnt that much choice really!!!