Saturday, 31 March 2012

It's just hit me - Eight weeks from this very night.....

For the first time in twelve years I will not be at a Eurovision Song Contest Final, further more in Fifty Two days time, for the first time, I won't be at any Semi Final or public qualifying round thereby breaking a total unbeaten run (I'd been to every one of the blighters!!)

It doesn't make me happy - however I just cant justify the expense at the moment - doesnt mean, however, that this site will be any the less active during the weeks of the contest  - oh deary me no - you've already had your first Azeri cheese, you'll be getting updates from about the place and it'll all be hunky dory!

Just pity my work team on the 2nd rehearsal week when I am not in Baku-on-sea, but with them with a grumpy face on , they are already taking donations ;)


  1. Well Phil,

    I can only speak for myself but I am sure I am not the only one who appreciate the time and efforts you put here.And it's a shame you won't be in Baku, but it's quite understandable.The costs alone would justify your decision. Add to this that the shows will start at midnight Azari time and you have a luck luster notion to begin with.

    BTW: where is your review of the 2nd Semi?

    1. 2nd Semi review is coming - it doesn't write itself hehe! - We're also getting stuff ready for the sojurn to Baku. We've got people out there so there will be the usual stuff ;)

      And thank you Shai ;)
