Rose West is in the building! And 'that Monty' too...
We really did blag it yesterday I have to say. The BMI crew were just fabulous, ok so had they not bumped us up to business they might not have been so fabulous, but you get my drift.. As Monty already told you we quaffed champers and red wine pretty much across four time zones and managed to have a chat to Englebert and his manager/son Scott who were lovely. Englebert drinks red wine too so there's hope that my voice might last out this next week if I do the same! He is very excited to be representing the UK and I think he will just belt out the song, let's hope he is appreciated by the viewers and juries alike. The beeb seems to be doing their homework this year, Scott Mills and Sarah Cox on the same flight as they are going to be filming ready for the semi final coverage, they will be linking live into the One Show I believe on the nights of the semis. They does seem to be more of a buzz back home about the song which has to be a good thing. I mean even granny rose west back home knew about it when I chatted to her yesterday. It was so touching when the crew made a good luck announcement to Englebert as we taxied in at Baku airport, it certainly went big in the....cabin...
So I am coming to you almost live from the cavernous press centre.. It really is an amazing space, huge screen, airy and light and the view across Baku Bay to the city beyond, stunning. If I get ahead of myself I'll try to get a few snaps uploaded but don't want to peak too soon...
Just got sidetracked there dear reader to do an interview for Itcimai tv, think I just broke that record for saying amazing in the space of a minute...
Where was I? Oh yes, blogging! Just seen Loreen rehearse in the arena, more on that later. We walked in as they turned the lights down and the song started booming. Goosebump count=1. My first impression of the arena is how fabulous the green room is. The arena is slightly smaller than I had imagined but that's fine, the fan seats are all close to the stage allegedly and what with the green room in the audience and the catwalk to it, I think it's going to be fairly intimate. And of course it's going to look amazing, there I did it again...
Rose (I can't find the accent on this keyboard for my e) xx
PS. The big erection is the humongous flag in flag square, wow....
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