The music of course begins in earnest tomorrow and we'll be tuning in though perhaps not in real time. And of course some of last year's special features that proved popular will be back like the bottle of brandy, copious amounts of chocolate and special guesr reviewers :-)
I'll introduce this year's guests before the fun begins. The first needs no introduction, espcially if you're a criminal. taking time out from his busy retirement and bringing his little grey cells to bear on this entrants... it's Hercule Poirot!!!
Monsieur Poirot your knowledge of culture is legendary but your own nation of Belgium haven't been very successful in Eurovision and indeed some might say have entered the most irritationg songs. One must also be weary of being conned by gangs of bogus charity workers in Brussels
Hercule: well no one it is safe mon ami, that's why I moved to England. I look forward to the challenge.
Franko: And we look forward to your musings.

appearances and indeed hasn't ventured out since his tussle with our favourite doctor in the 60's. Ladies and gentlemen I'm honoured to present The Celestial Toymaker!!!!
Toymaker how do feel about the musical fortnight ahead?
Toymaker: I want to kill you...
Franko: The Toymaker as I've said hasn't got out much lately ans is lacking a bit in social skills. We hope to learn from his great wisdom in the coming days>
So until we hit tomorrow's rehearsals, it's goodbye from me Franko, Poirot and The Toymaker.
See you tomorrow :-)
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