While my cohort gently slumber, being as they are still on
UK Time and Not CET, I think it would only be befitting to describe what we did
last evening.
Now as many of you know, I pretend to be an organized kind
of man, however reading a bus time table was clearly beyond me last evening and
between us all we got all narked and went out to Paceville ( The home of
Claudette)… Paceville is what I can only
describe as Vegas meets Skegness a la Med.
It has more neon lights than the MEB would like you to pay for, more
high class “gentlemans clubs” that I have ever seen in my life (some of which
describing a life changing experience…. Well
it certainly would have been if I had gone into them) and a set of steps descending
to the waterfront which were very very steep, with bars on either side with
more obligatory neon lights.
Having descended into Hades, we then looked for suitable
eating establishments that we not…. Well…. Generic, and after several seconds
of choosing, we went for a generic American diner, replete with genuine
Americans in it. (Cue wails of “oh it’s
allllll so quaint and other catch all Americanisms). We all ordered plates of meat, some of us
were instructed to eat the fresh meat and not the frozen shite as it came with
extras, and waited for it to be slapped at us and for us to be thoroughly disappointed.
Thankfully the food was good and plentiful and tasty which
then made up for the long walk to try and find a bar that served Cisk ( that
didn’t take that long I hasten to add) – We ended up in an Irish Karaoke bar
where scouse MC “Neil” was not, as you would expect singing the classics, but
had a myriad of off the wall songs with lots and lots of words which astounded
the assembled throng of ex-pats no end.
Our cue to leave, however, came when 2 local lovelies decided to murder
a Rhianna song about murder…..
We got the bus home and then topped that off with a walk
along Sliema front to find a lovely quaint bar with French pictures on the
walls and UK newspapers on the ceiling….
In Cheese news, we had plenty of cheese and then some yesterday, so you won’t be disappointed!!
It must be all very, very exciting!
ReplyDeleteWhat about a comprehensive comment on the songs for tonight? You could easily play pretend you're at the eurovision final itself (it goes beyond me how they didn't work just a tiny litle bit harder to have 25 songs, as they should)!
Personally, in the final, I would like to have corazon, because she was fabulous last year and she's bound to be again whatever year we are. Then I like chris grech, melanie zammit, the bond girl davínia, IF she drops the backs vocals silly chorus, and richard edwards, both solo and in the exciting duet with the also hard working petra.
(What's the thing about the fall of the Roman empire, though?)
Plenty to get your hands into, I would say. AND you can still have as much cheese as you like!
Cheers guys, have fun, we sure will!, henrique
There might well be a review in our own stylee later on this evening after some food and several Cisks ;)