Saturday, 11 May 2013

And Finally..... Romania... Silly points!!

Roy D Hacksaw talks the shits about this song - he thinks its qualifying - he's clearly mentalist!!

He also says "let time be the judge of that"

We've also noticed a secret backing singer out of shot assisting Cezar- so not really the international superstar that he likes to think he is.  He's still standing on a plinth above his mothers placenta which moved with the assistance of real people! - It's all very scary and is, as dear old Wogan would say, a feast for the eye and ear.  Visally it's a great end to the semi - but vocally he's also holding back with the high notes - not many people have had to do that this year!!

Also, in other news, Cezar has shaved his chest since Day whatever, clearly *he* gets some styling och consulting tips - either that, or he's just sponsored by Gillette (other shaving products are avaliable!)

Qualifying - eeern shit no, but it'll scare people - especially with the pyros!

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