Thursday, 9 May 2013

Norway - Feed you my points!!

It could almost be the theme song to the 1980's kiddies TV Programme Trap Door, or something that a band called Death Metallist Trousers would perform. People around me here at the Malmo Imax seem to think that it is out of key, but its the cool song for the cool kids!

Margaret just sings and looks down every pipe and camera that they throw at her - she has 3 backing singers but to be honest, she doesn't need them as the strong is that strong and the contrast with her in white and the dark backing lighting is totally in keeping with this song. 

Back to those vocals, though, personally even if she is a little bit off,which I didn't think she was,  it doesn't matter as its not as noticeable in that song as it is in some others. and arguably adds to the song - it looks very good visually and its going to be a strong contender to win this Semi and more than likely top 5 in the final, potentially top 1. 

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