Friday, 10 May 2013

Rosé live from Ikea working area!

Well well well, the press centre is open open open and there's a lovely cluster of illuminated trees in the middle of this Ikea-esque warehouse with accompanying rustic lights stuffed with multi colour straw.  That surely is a sentence I'll never again utter and surely a minor fire risk?  

I've been allocated pigeon hole number 69, they're canny these Swedes aren't they? 

Okay so at risk of lots of repetitions now for you dear reader (as all the OneEurpaneers are in sitiu) I'm going to muse about the second rehearsals from the first half of the first semi...  Is that right? 


Up first as the HOT backing dancers need to shoot off to a gig tonight, wonder where, they're ever so ripped!  She's a leggy thing isn't she and ever so slightly horsey and raggedy looking on the HD screen in front of me.  But I like her and I love this song.  This is like a MF heat song and one that didnt make it out of its heat.  I really think the final needs this in it, lightweight dance pop, nothing too serious with a slick routine.  It's not as slick as it should be but I'm still rooting for it.  I fear the first three in this semi won't make it but I'd love a closer inspection of those boys on Saturday week. 


This is just lovely.  A good, solid ballad sung by a nice girl with a fluffy white dress to hide her Baltic bump.  The backing singers in a row off to the right on the main stage whilst she starts on the satellite.  It starts off in black and white and she floats back to the main stage during the second verse on a bed of dry ice.  The pulsating green and yellow backdrop doesn't suit the song but she nailed the big note at the end and I'd love to see this qualify.  


There's really not much wrong with this.  Great voice, she's more likeable now been though I can't get over the fact she was seen leaning the Shadow Lounge with Gianluca from Malta!  She flounces minimally towards the end and it is all quite light and forgettable I'm afraid.  Nothing wrong with her it's just not strong enough especially as an opener.

Gosh it's lunch already... 


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